Dauntless Builder

Okay now, when increasing your damage done against a part, you can actually render your build ineffective, it's simple; imagine that the damage done is added after the 'separation' so let's say you will do 100 damage, if you increase your part damage by 15% with Sharpened 3 then you will do 115 part damage, 100 stagger and 100 HP Damage, but, if you increase all your damage with predator 3. Aug 28, 2019  Check out this Dauntless guide on how to build for the weapon - War Pike! Includes best meta build guides, overview of each build, & more!

The Ostian Repeaters aren't like the majority of weapons in; they're much more modular. Instead of crafting different versions with elemental effects, you craft Barrels to augment your elemental damage, leaving the Chamber and Grip to dictate your skills.All of this can be swapped out between missions, so there's a lot of build variety. In this guide, we'll run through an early-game build to make using the Ostian Repeaters a little friendlier, and take a brief look at a popular late-game build to shoot for. Early Game BuildBarrelDecide which barrel to use based on elemental damage.

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Each behemoth is weak to one type of damage and resists another.These are usually fairly obvious (Ice behemoths are weak to Fire, who'd have thunk it?) but for Neutral behemoths, it's worth taking your most upgraded barrel into battle.Don't bother upgrading the Standard Barrel! It's no stronger than the other barrels, so you might as well spend your resources elsewhere. ChamberAs it deals the most outright damage, the Salvo Chamber is the recommended chamber to equip during the early-game. The skillshot ability it provides is easy to use and deals a good chunk of damage.Even when progressing into late-game builds, the Salvo Chamber is often preferred as you don't need to worry too much about your positioning or aiming, so long as you're hitting the behemoth.

GripThere are only two grips to use, and the highly preferred one is the Captain's Grip. This will give you — and your allies, if you use the empowered version — a 15% buff to damage and attack speed for 12 seconds.This is extremely useful in buffing your DPS, but you can consider using the Saboteur's Grip if another party member is already using this one. PrismYou'll only have a handful of prisms to equip in the early-game, the best of which is probably the Snowdrift Prism. This gives the last four shots of your magazine small damage and frost damage boosts.

ModYou won't have any mods to equip until you hit Repeater Mastery Level 6, when you'll unlock the Capacitive Magazine mod.This isn't exactly ground-breaking, but it can give you a little extension to your DPS by returning four ammo to the magazine for each ability used. So it doesn't conflict with the Searing Prism passive, try to time your abilities when you have more than four shots remaining, or none at all. Late Game BuildHere is a quick run-down of a late-game build. We will add more as we progress through the game.

Barrel. The barrel should still be selected based on whatever element is strong against the behemoth you plan on fighting.

Check out this Dauntless guide on how to build for the weapon - War Pike! Includes build guides, overview of each build, & more!

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Chain Blade BuildsWar Pike BuildsRepeater Builds

Table of Contents

Overview & Strengths

Fast Attack Speed & High Wounding Damage

The War Pike has very high damage-per-second as it can attack very fast. It can also wound Behemoth parts easily with its light attacks, making it a valuable weapon to have for Slayers looking to down Behemoths fast.

Has Low Mobility With Stationary Attacks

The War Pike has low mobility due to its attacks having long animations that lock you into place. This leaves you vulnerable to Behemoth attacks so self-control and knowledge of attack combos is a must.

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Beginner High Damage & Speed War Pike Build

High Attack Power & Speed Loadout

Equipped GearGear Bound PerkEquipped Cell
Ember Pike
(War Pike)+3 Evasive Fury
+3 Evasive Fury Cell
+3 Agility Cell
Draskscale Helmet
(Head) +3 Aetheric Attunement
+3 Sharpened Cell
Quillspike Jacket
(Torso) +3 Savagery
+3 Savagery Cell
Gnasher Grips
(Arm) +3 Ragehunter
+3 Ragehunter Cell
Gnasher Treads
(Leg) +3 Tough
+3 Sharpened Cell
Drask's Eye
+3 Aetheric Attunement Cell

Weapon Mods

  • Concussive Payload
  • Munitions Supplier

Perk Summary

  • +6 Aetheric Attunement
  • +6 Evasive Fury
  • +6 Ragehunter
  • +6 Savagery
  • +6 Sharpened
  • +3 Agility
  • +3 Tough

Beginner High Attack Damage & Speed Build

Emphasis On All-Around High Damage & Attack Speed

This build focuses on emphasizing the War Pike's speed & high DPS - supplementing it with buffs that will make it more powerful. Evasive Fury, Ragehunter, Savagery, and Sharpened all buff up its different attack types & attack speed to make it more effective.

Increase In Power Of Different Attack Types

This build will allow you to do more damage to Wounded parts via Savagery. You'll also hit an enraged Behemoth harder with Ragehunter while Sharpened allows you to inflict bigger Part damage after dodging a Behemoth attack.

Buff Attack Speed With Evasive Fury

Dodging through a Behemoth attack will activate Evasive Fury. This will increase your attack speed for a couple of seconds, allowing you to hit the Behemoths more in a shorter span of time.

Lantern Buff Raises Attack Power

With the Drask's Eye, you'll gain more attack power for 6 seconds when the tap ability is activated. Complemented with the Aetheric Attunement in this build, you'll be able to charge your Lantern much faster & use this buff sooner.

End-Game All-Out Attack War Pike Build

High DPS & Attack Power End-Game War Pike Loadout

Equipped GearGear Bound PerkEquipped Cell
Inferno's Arrow
(War Pike)+3 Overpower
+3 Overpower Cell
+3 Ragehunter Cell
Hellplate Casque
(Head) +3 Ragehunter
+3 Adrenaline Cell
Mantle of Thorns
(Torso) +3 Predator
+3 Conduit Cell
Light's Refuge
(Arm) +3 Conduit
+3 Adrenaline Cell
Stride of Thorns
(Leg) +3 Predator
+3 Aetheric Attunement Cell
Embermane's Rapture
+3 Aetheric Attunement Cell

Weapon Mods

  • Savage Wellspring
  • Lightweight Shaft

Perk Summary

  • +6 Adrenaline
  • +6 Aetheric Attunement
  • +6 Conduit
  • +6 Overpower
  • +6 Predator
  • +6 Ragehunter

End-Game Build For All-Out Damage & Attack Speed

High Damage & DPS Built For End-Game Behemoths

This War Pike build takes the weapon's high damage & attack speed to the next level. It focuses on heavily increasing the War Pike's damage-dealing capabilities while pushing its attack speed even further for faster hunts.

Buff Up Attack Damage With Perks

Adrenaline, Overpower, Predator, and Ragehunter all work together to massively buff up and increase the attack damage you can do to Behemoths. This combination allows you to down the Behemoth faster, keeping threat levels low.

Lantern Abilities Push Attack Speed Further

The combination of the Embermane's Rapture and Conduit Perk will increase your attack speed further during the hunt. Having Aetheric Attunement will decrease lantern's charging time, allowing you to use it more often while hunting.

The God Hand Exotic Wound Damage Build

Damage Build For Exotic 'The Godhand' War Pike

Equipped GearGear Bound PerkEquipped Cell
The Godhand
(War Pike)
+3 Acidic Cell
+3 Overpower Cell
Hellplate Casque
(Head) +3 Ragehunter
+3 Predator Cell
Quillspike Jacket
(Torso) +3 Savagery
+3 Savagery Cell
Gnasher Grips
(Arm) +3 Ragehunter
+3 Overpower Cell
Stride of Thorns
(Leg) +3 Predator
+3 Aetheric Attunement Cell
Drask's Eye
+3 Aetheric Attunement Cell

Weapon Mods

  • Lightweight Shaft

Perk Summary

  • +6 Aetheric Attunement
  • +6 Overpower
  • +6 Predator
  • +6 Ragehunter
  • +6 Savagery
  • +3 Acidic

Exotic War Pike Loadout For Massive Single Point Damage

Build To Support The God Hand's Attack Beam

The God Hand is able to channel an unique beam attack that does increasing damage as it continues to hit its target. This build focuses on buffing up damage of that beam and regular attack to wounded parts, and deal devastating single-point damages to Behemoths' parts.

Wound Focused Build for Easier Part Breaks

In this build, you'll utilize Overpower, Ragehunter and Savagery - all of which add buffs would damage to the part, while making sure that the part can sustain maximum Wound damage / status without breaking thanks to the Acidic perk.

Lantern Also Buffs Attack Power

The Drask's Eye increases your damage for 6 seconds when its tap ability is activated. Combined with Aetheric Attunement, you'll be able use this Lantern ability often in the thick of the hunt.

Stamina & Mobility War Pike Build

Loadout Focusing On Stamina Regen & Mobility

Equipped GearGear Bound PerkEquipped Cell
Stalker's Spike
(War Pike) +3 Wild Frenzy
+3 Acidic Cell
+3 Conduit Cell
Light's Crown
(Head) +3 Conduit
+3 Predator Cell
Quillspike Jacket
(Torso) +3 Savagery
+3 Savagery Cell
Clutches of the Swarm
(Arm) +3 Conditioning
+3 Conditioning Cell
Stride of Thorns
(Leg) +3 Predator
+3 Aetheric Attunement Cell
Drask's Eye
+3 Aetheric Attunement Cell

Weapon Mods

  • Concussive Payload
  • Lightweight Shaft

Perk Summary

  • +6 Aetheric Attunement
  • +6 Conditioning
  • +6 Conduit
  • +6 Predator
  • +6 Savagery
  • +3 Acidic
  • +3 Wild Frenzy

Stamina War Pike Build For Attack Speed & Mobility

Loadout For Continous & Fast Attacking With Stamina Regen

This War Pike build focuses on compensating for the Slayer's extreme use of Stamina for its heavy attacks & dodging. It also pushes increased attack speed, enlarging opportunity to Wound Behemoths & greatly damage them.

Conditioning Increases Stamina Regeneration

The +6 Conditioning in this build will greatly increase your Stamina regeneration, allowing you to do heavy attacks more or not lose stamina when you need to dodge.

More Chance To Wound With Savagery & Acidic

With Savagery and Acidic, you'll have more chances to Wound the Behemoth, allowing your team to deal increased damage to it. With the attack speed boosts in this build, you can Wound the Behemoth much faster.

Plus Attack Speed With Predator, Conduit & Wild Frenzy

Predator, Conduit, and Wild Frenzy all increase your attack speed. This complements the Wounding damage of the build, making it easier & faster for you to Wound the monster.

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