Descent Into Darkness

Chapter 1: Broken DreamsBakugou opened his eyes slowly, he was still feeling tired and was suffering from a concussion. He looked around the room where he was tied to a chair, trying to figure out where he was, after several moments he came to a conclusion that he was in a shabby bar with dim yellow lights. Sometime had passed and finally the door in front of him opened and a suspicious figure wearing completely black sneakers, a pair of black jeans, a dark green hoodie, a metal mask hanging from his neck and holding a little bowie knife came in. Bakugou suddenly recognized the outfit and was about to go into another rage till he saw the persons face, looking at his glowing green eyes and a maniacal smile Bakugou felt an emotion he hadn't felt in a long time. Fear' MMidoriya?'

He said trembling in fear.The person in front of him was none other than Izuku Midoriya.Laughter burst out throughout the class as Bakugou snatched away Izuku's notebook from him.' KaKacchan please give it b.back,' he said in low, afraid voice.' Heh, Hero Analysis For The Future,' Bakugou said reading the title of the notebook.' What can a quirkless bastard like you accomplish? The very sight of you pisses me of,' said Kacchan in a harsh tone.Even though Bakugou kept on insulting Izuku, he didn't mind at all, he had gotten used to the bullying and insults thrown at him by Bakugou.' I can still become a Hero,' murmured Izuku.' What was that Deku?'

Descent Into Darkness. Deep in the Mariana Sea Trench, a corporate underwater mining complex has been built – an industrial Atlantis. When an accident in a dry-dock chamber kills several miners an investigator is sent to find the cause and immediately finds out that it was not an accident. He becomes caught in the middle of a deadly conflict. “Descent into Darkness: My European Nightmare” is a found-footage film directed by Rafael Cherkaski, following the model of a documentary in the process of being made. It concerns a television cameraman named Sorgoi Prakov (played by Cherkaski) from Sdorvie, a fictional small country on the border of Russia, who’s travelling through Europe with hand-held cameras to make a “tourist.

Bakugou asked him menacingly.' at all,' blurted IzukuKacchan threw the notebook out the window and prepared to leave the classroom, Midoriya feeling relieved didn't say anything. Just before walking out of the classroom Kacchan stopped said'If you want a quirk you should hope that you can get one in your next life and jump off the roof.' He and his group burst into laughter and left the classroom.

Midoriya never really took insults and rude remarks to heart but for some reason this hurt him a lot. Kacchan always yelled 'Die' and other harsh words at everyone but that was just a bad habit of his.

This time Izuku felt like he meant it, he told Izuku to kill himself. He felt really down at this statement and wanted to drop down and cry his heart out, what did he ever do deserve this, it wasn't his fault that he didn't had a quirk. With all these thoughts rushing inside Izuku's mind, a new feeling started brewing inside of Izuku, A feeling called 'Hate'.' I'll definitely become a hero,' he whispered to himself for comfort and to make the feelings of hate go away.Izuku picked up the notebook that Bakugou threw out the window, he looked at it and again comforted himself by thinking he be a hero, anything is possible.While going through an empty underpass on his home the unexpected happened, something warm and slimy got ahold of Izuku from behind, It was a Villain.' Save me,' he cried out for help but it was all in vain as the villain had covered his mouth.' Don't worry boy, I'm only taking controll of your body for a little while.' Before the villain could completely take over Izuku lost his conscious.He opened his eyes sometime later and was relieved to know that he was alive, he gathered his strength and got to his feet.

He looked in front of him and a tall muscular man had trapped the slimy villain in a soda bottle, it took him little to no time to recognize the man in front of him. He started to freak out.'

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A.AlAll might,' Izuku said in disbeliefThe number one hero, the hero that Izuku admired all his life, All Might was standing in front of him. He frantically started looking for his notebook, which he dropped when the villain took him by surprise to get all might's autograph.' Looking for this, Young man?' All might said while handing over his notebook back.Izuku took the notebook back and quickly opened it so he can ask all might for his sign. What he saw after opening the latest the page of the notebook brought Izuku much needed happiness and joy.

All might had already signed the notebook, Izuku's eyes started to tear up from joy.' All migh-'I'm sorry, young man. I didn't want you to get caught up in villain fighting perhaps I was too relaxed,' the number one hero said joyfully and starting laughing.Izuku was still unable to believe that his idol was standing in front of him, he was lost in a state of bliss.'

Well I need to take this guy back to the police'- he pointed at the soda bottle containing the villain-'See you again another time, Young man.' Izuku snapped back into reality.' Nono wait there are still things I want to ask you,' but his voice was too low to be heard by the hero.All might jumped high into the sky and after a second he realized that young Izuku had grabbed hold of his leg and was in the air with him.The pair stopped on top of a building.' I'm sure if you talk to the building personnel they'll let you down,' said All might a bit angrily and turned around to jump away.'

Wait no, I want to ask you something, can I become a hero even though I'm quirkless,' suddenly shouted IzukuAll might was surprised by what the young man had said but he had to quickly get out of sight before his time limit had reached its end and he turns into the weak skeleton looking figure.' I'm sorry young man but I have to go,' said All might hurriedly, steam had started to come out of his body a few seconds prior which meant his time limit had been reached.'

No, please I really need an answered.' Hearing the depressing tone of the boy's voice he decided to stick around and answer him but before he suddenly turned into his real form.'

Where's All might?' Said Izuku looking at the skinny man in front of him.' I am All might, Boy'What? 'It happened because of a injury I received from a villain five years ago.' He pulled up his shirt to show his injury.

'Half of my respiratory organs were destroyed and after tons of surgeries I became like this, I can only be a hero for three hours a day.' Izuku was in disbelief. All might, the number one hero had a severe injury.

Yet, he still saves everyone with a smile.' But this is none of your concern, the symbol of peace can't be daunted by evil. Now, you said something about being a hero?' Izuku snapped back. 'Oh yeah, I wanted to ask If I can be a hero even though I'm quirkless.' There was a moment of silence then Izuku spoke again'The idea of saving people always seemed super cool to me, saving everyone with a fearless smile, I want to be the greatest hero like you,' Izuku said passionately.All might gave it some thought and spoke up'Give it up kid, you can't survive in the world of pros without a quirk. Think of becoming something rational, a police officer will suit you, they're also public heroes,' said All might being as kind as possible, he knew this would be hard on the kid but there was no other way to make him face the truth.Give it up.

These word kept circulating through Izuku's mind. He broke down and fell to his knees. His mind suddenly flashed back to the time he found out he was quirkless, he asked his mom if he can be a hero like all might with tears rolling down his face but all he got was a hug from his mom as she said 'I'm sorry'.All might saw Izuku fell to his knees and felt sympathy towards him, he walked up to the young man, placed a hand on his shoulder for comfort and said,'I'm sorry kid, It's good to have dreams but think about your future properly.' Said All might in his attempt to help Izuku'Yes, I will,' whispered Izuku depressingly.He only said that so All might can leave him alone and go away, he wanted to be alone, he didn't needed anyone.' That's the spirit, Young man,' said All might cheerfully and started to laugh thinking Izuku was now fine.'

I'll leave you alone with your thoughts for a while,' All might said as he left the rooftop.It felt like the thread holding Izuku together had finally snapped, tears started to roll down his face, his idol had just told him that he can't be a hero, his dreams had been crushed by the very man that aspired them to be. Maybe he should take Bakugou's advice and jump off the roof, maybe he should just end it all. Thinking about Bakugou at a time like this worsened Izuku's state. All those memories of him being bullied and being called a quirkless bastard came rushing back. The little hate that was inside him grew even larger, he now hated Bakugou with all his heart, he hated Bakugou and All might, the man who crushed his dreams. The anger and hatred started building inside of him to the point that it changed him.A loud explosion was heard in the distance and it made Midoriya come back to the real world.

He got up and wiped the tears of his face, looking down at the ground he clenched his fist,'Fucking bastards,' he said to no one in particular but those words were clearly aimed at All might and Bakugou.He looked up and started walking towards the exit of the rooftop, his eyes now seemed empty and dead. It looked like the passionate boy who once aspired to be a hero had been killed off.

Malin as a young man.Descent into Darkness is a. The story revolves around a man named. A one day, comes to the city.

He comes during a battle, and the were going to win it, but came with his army of and saved the town. So instead of being executed, he was banished. In a later battle, Malin Keshar used Necromancy and saves Parthyn.

He learned it while the necromancer was in town. He too, was banished. He later caught up to the necromancer, and he became his apprentice.ScenariosSaving ParthynPeaceful ValleyA Haunting in WinterBeginning of the RevengeOrc WarReturn To ParthynA Small FavorA Small Favor 2A Small Favor 3Alone at LastDescent into DarknessEndless Night.