Drawn To Life The Next Chapter Walkthrough

How to check out on steam. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter for Nintendo DS.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page,. For Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter on the DS, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled 'Could we get a walkthrough for this game?'
Another one to be added to our ', THQ's Drawn To Life The Next Chapter brings the side scrolling coloring book action adventure on Nintendo DS. Create you hero, of course you will draw him down with your stylus and watch him come to life and set to out to adventure. Here's video of how Drawn To Life The Next Chapter for DS gameplay looks like:By the way, if you are not the handheld console gamer, you can have this game also on Wii.If you have any Drawn To Life The Next Chapter for DS or Wii walkthrough, tips or hints, please let us know. Or if you just have some info about the game to tell us, kindly do so.
“ You are all weak. And you will fail. ”–WilfreWilfre is the main antagonist in the series.Wilfre is a cunning who is skilled with persuasion and manipulation. He was able to trick each leader of the different villages, and even persuaded to steal the for him in.He does not see his actions as completely evil, because he says he is trying to save the Raposa world from destruction. He is very much aware that he hurts others and does things seen as evil in the process.
He often speaks with a slight cockiness in his voice; at other times, he will take on a condescending tone, as if he feels that he is superior to the other Raposa, or even irate with them.AppearanceWilfre is shown in the first game as a being who takes the form of a Raposa. A little further into the game, his backstory is revealed, where he looks like a normal Raposa, with light grey fur and mostly blue clothing.Wilfre also takes on various new Raposa forms or disguises in addition to his old one throughout the story of —these being. He uses Sock to try to get close to the, particularly, and uses Salem in order to trick various village leaders.Story Drawn to LifeWilfre, being the main antagonist, is the one responsible for the creeping into and covering the. He is also responsible for the kidnappings and captures of the villagers and their positions in being scattered, locked in Shadow Cages, throughout the levels in the game.He appears for the first time when Mari, and approach the village entrance in order to search for the Mayor. He covers the bridge in darkness to prevent this, and so forces them to use the instead.A little further in the game, the flashback scene is shown and some of Wilfre's backstory is revealed.
He was a normal —in fact, he was the most popular and respected of all the villagers, always the center of attention. However, he questioned why the Raposa were not allowed to design their own creations in the, stating that 'It could be done better'. After being denied access to the Book of Life by the Mayor, he snuck into the, stole the Book, and brought it to his house, where he tried to bring his own drawings to life.
However, they came out evil, dark, and twisted. When the villagers found out, and Cricket's deputy ran him out of town. In a rage, on the bridge, Wilfre ripped the pages of the Book of Life into pieces and threw them into the wind, effectively scattering them throughout the world. Somewhere in the time between what was shown in this flashback and the events of the game, Wilfre became a Shadow being.He is shown to have control over Shadow and the darkness, and is apparently the only one who can walk through it. He seems to prefer not to take direct action unless necessary, instead using the various bosses to try to get rid of The Hero first; although, he does steal the Book of Life and kill The Mayor himself.At the end of the game, The Hero must journey into the to recover the Book of Life from Wilfre and defeat him.
Upon being defeated, Wilfre falls to the ground, seeming somewhat shocked and losing the Shadow covering him. He then dissolves.Drawn to Life: The Next ChapterWilfre reappears in, again as the main antagonist. He first appears after kidnapping, when he drains the of its and kidnaps many of the villagers, forcing the remaining to flee to and begin a voyage around the world.The Raposa and meet him many times again along the way, but don't usually realise it because he is disguised as either or.In, disguised as Salem, he had taken voice, which greatly endangered the village.
In, again as Salem, he turns paranoid and insane, convincing him to forcefully become king of the village, and feeding the paranoia by telling him that his brother, Moe, would eventually betray him. Finally, in the, Wilfre himself suggested to to start the D.O.T.R.O.T.P.O.T.U.S.F. As Sock, he travelled with The Hero and Raposa during most of their journey, unbeknownst to them until late in the game.At some point, Wilfre also persuades to help him get the Book of Life and help him in his quest to defeat The Hero and defy, but later she returns to her original stand with them and the other villagers.The last village, is named so because it is Wilfre's own village. It is a melange of the first three villages (Watersong, Lavasteam, and Galactic Jungle), plus something twisted and dark. He seems to have created this place himself, using pages torn from the Book of Life. This is the location of the, where he must be defeated at the end of the game.As a Boss.