Stronghold Hd Walkthrough

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Eliminate Flaming Arrows
Pitch Ditches can really decimate your siege forces. Connect the dots game unblocked. I've found that a combination of using cheat codes and other hints can virtually eliminate the enemy's use of pitch ditches so your pike men and mace men can fill in the moats without getting burned up. Use the '100 gold 100 popularity' cheat to give you gold so your engineers can build catapults. Use the Catapults to wipe out the towers and walls with archers. Make sure you take out any archer with access to fire before attempting to fill in the moat or your forces will be burned up. After you fill in the moat use the 'Skilled Engineers? ' hint to take out all the other towers and walls with fire archers. With the 100gold100popularity cheat you can build unlimited catapults. Just move them out of the way when you have used up all the stone. The 'Free Build' cheat might make it possible to keep using the same catapults but the cows come in handy to take out the crossbowmen after you have knocked down the towers with the catapults.
Skilled Engineers?
It may just be a glitch in the software, but I found out that if you withdraw your 'skilled engineers', the battering ram still works, but the enemy doesn't recognise it so you can destroy their towers and walls and gate houses at your leisure without them attacking it. The only thing is it will say, 'This devise requires skilled engineers, my lord' every time you click on a target. You won't be able to relocate it--you actually have to have it lock onto a target. Give it a shot.So far, it only works on the battering ram.
The Ultimate In Defence
There are 4 steps to getting the ultimate defence building.
#1:use the unlimited resource cheat
#2:Build a 6x12 stone block box
#3:fill in the box with stone wall and put the fortification part of the wall around the wall block (the ripply toothy thing that makes it harder for enemy archers to hit guys on the wall)
#4:put firepots that make archer's arrows flaming arrows on the wall block
#5:build a stair case going up to the wall block
#6:get as many archer or crossbow men on to the block as possible
#7:destroy the stairs and wall off the the hole in the wall
#8: (optional) for an outpost put the strongest tower out in the area outside of your city
#9:build a 5 wall thick base around the tower and use the same concept of firepots and stairs and walls to make an outpost farther out.
Bandits, No Problem
During the econmy campaign (and must likly inother levels also)to keep bandits from attackingbuild a stone wall around all signpost. Makesure you completly block the signpost in. Thebandits will appear but will stand on top of thewall. Archers can then stand there on the groundand kill the bandits without taking damage, oryou can just ignore them.
If you are attacking with ranged units ie,Archers/Crossbow men i have found that if theysay, cant shoot their etc that if you aim at aguy closer and then just before they fire clickthe on out of range, they shoot the out of rangeguy, slow going, but bloody great on sieges..still stuck killing the ping, but they don`t haveany ranged units on the outer walls left :DHave fun
Keep Bears Away
When bears kill civilians, your popularitydecreases. To avoid this, simply build a woodfence around a bear when it appears.
100 Gold Plus 100 Popularity.
At the 'Main Menu', press 'Shift + Alt + A' toenable cheat mode. During gameplay, pressAlt + X.
All Missions.
At the 'Main Menu', press 'Shift + Alt + A' toenable cheat mode. During gameplay, pressAlt + C.
Free Building, No Resources Required
At the 'Main Menu', press 'Shift + Alt + A' toenable cheat mode. During gameplay, pressAlt + K
Unlimited Catapult Ammo
Click on the 'Launch Cow' icon, click on the mainscreen to select your target area and fire, thenimmediately hit the 'Stop' icon. The cow won`t belaunched but the catapult/trebuchet will fire arock instead, even if you`re out of rocks.
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We have no glitches for Stronghold yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no achievements or trophies for Stronghold yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Stronghold HD Enhanced Edition - Games Trainer - The Latest Game Cheats CodesStronghold HD Enhanced Edition Trainer - PC Games Trainer and Cheat Codes. Browse by PC Games Title: Welcome to the Cheatbook Trainers section! Trainers are programs that allow you to alter the way the game works sothat you could cheat. They enable features that are similar to cheat codes, for example you could get unlimitedhealth, ammo etc. When using a Trainer. Find even secrets on ourStronghold HD Enhanced Edition Trainer (+8 Options)The original castle sim, Stronghold HD allows you to design, build and destroy historical castles. Engage in medieval warfare against the AI in one of two single player campaigns or online with up to 8 players.With 21 missions to test your mettle and four renegade lords to defeat, it is up to you to reunite medieval England and take back your lands from the treacherous Rat, Pig, Snake and Wolf.
Missions range from breaking sieges and capturing enemy castles to raising gold and holding off enemy attacks. Also featured is a full economic campaign, tasking players to gather resources and build weapons within the time limit.Wield greater control over your army than ever before with new high resolution graphics! The new HD battlefield view allows you to zoom out and play in real-time, with the whole map on one screen.