War Of Rights Free Download

War of Rights is a multiplayer FPS game by Campfire Games. Players are dropped into the the perilous days of the American Civil War, in the Maryland Campaign of September 1862, and can play out famous battles including the Battle of Antietam and Harper’s Ferry. United States of America: View Confederate Companies.

Welcome everyone to the crowdfunding campaign for our production of War of Rights,the most historically accurate game about the American Civil War to date! We are Campfire Games,a studio born from the passion and inspiration of two developers from Denmark.Our love for the American Civil War lead us to a dream of creating a game where we could share their interest with the rest of the world in a fun,yet educational setting. After more than three years of hard work, astounding progress has been made,and a talented and equally passionate group has been brought together to bring this dream to the realm of reality.With War of Rights, we are focusing on creating a group-based game with real Napoleonic-era tactics combined with the deadly accuracyof the 'newer' weapons available in the period of the Civil War. Your Rewards.When Released: Digital Copy of War of Rights.Private forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under 'PRIVATE tier'Between both sides, over three million menfought and died for their respective causes,the vast majority of which were the hard-slugging ranks of privates. No matter whatbranch, whether it was infantry, cavalry,or artillery, you could be sure that theprivates were there hurrying up to wait.For your service and donation, you will bereceiving a digital copy of the game on finalrelease as well as a Private forum badge.

Your Rewards.Everything above.Digital soundtrack.Musician forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under 'MUSICIAN tier'An October 1861 Survey revealed that therewere 28,000 musicians in the Union Armyalone, with more modern analysis believingthere was a similar amount in theConfederate ranks. Being a musician meantyou were a very integral part to the cohesionof a unit, as well as to its morale. Drummersneeded to learn 39 different beats, and thebuglers needed to learn at least 49 calls toappropriately fulfill their obligations. Manysuch positions were filled in by the youngerteens not yet old enough to carry a rifle.Brass bands were also around and wereimportant to keeping up the morale of theirunits with the many popular tunes availableat the time. Donate for this rank if you thinkyou are able to help support your fightingmen, and in turn you will be receiving theDigital Soundtrack and musician's forumrank.

Your Rewards.Everything above.Digital copy of The Making of War of Rights.Journalist forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under 'JOURNALIST tier'It was thanks to the industrial revolutionthat journalists of the Victorian era hadaccess to things like photographs and thetelegraph to get the news and images of waron the front quickly before the generalpopulace within a few days of an eventhaving happened. And while Matthew Bradyput his name on the work of his subordinates,you also had many artists like Thomas Nastand Alfred Waud following the armies,sketching important daily scenes. Theirwork wasn't always appreciated though, asGeneral William T.

Sherman didn'tappreciate their sending out articlesdetailing his plans before they had even leftfor battle, accusing them of being spies andattempting to hang one editor of the NewYork Herald! Donating at this rank will earnyou the prestigious journalist forum rank,along with a digital copy of 'The Making ofWar of Rights.' Your Rewards.Everything above.When Available: Access to Early Access version on Steam.Corporal rank forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under 'CORPORAL tier'The Corporal was the first step from being aprivate into the esteemed Non-CommissionedOfficers, or NCOs. The Corporal wasdesignated with taking charge of about ninemen, whom they would lead in duties eitheron the field or in camp. With this addedresponsibility comes the ability toparticipate in the open-Beta versionavailable just prior to final release knownas Phase III, and the Corporal forum rank.

Your Rewards.Everything above.Access to Skirmishes Phase 2.In-game Columbus Guards uniform.Sergeant rank forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under 'SERGEANT tier'One of the most iconic ranks of any armyorganization, the Sergeant is the hard andrugged standard of the NCOs. Meant to takecharge of about twenty-four men - alsoknown as a platoon – the Sergeant will bethere urging the men on, and did have theauthority to shoot any who would dare toretreat! With this rank, you get access tothe famous Columbus Guards, a unit whichwere established in 1836 and continued toexist through into the first World War, andthe Sergeant forum rank. Additionally, youhave access to the closed-Beta, known asthe Phase II Skirmishes. Your Rewards.Everything above.In-game Type III Fayetteville rifle.2nd Lieutenant rank forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under '2nd LIEUTENANT tier'The 2nd Lieutenant was the first step intothe Commissioned Officers, and hadcommand of one half of the company, knownas a section. Unlike NCO’s, who were votedto their position by the rest of the company,many officers like the 2nd Lieutenant couldthank their position oftentimes to nothingmore than pure nepotism rather than anyactual merit.

Despite these forthcomings,your rank will be rewarded with access tothe Type III Fayetville Rifle, a weaponcreated from the ‘liberated’ parts from theHarper’s Ferry Arsenal by the ConfederateForces.Additionally, you get the 2ndLieutenant forum rank. Your Rewards.Everything above.In-game Baker Guard Zouaves uniform.1st Lieutenant rank forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under '1st LIEUTENANT tier'The 1st Lieutenant was another early stepinto the Commissioned Officers, and hadmuch the same duties as the 2nd Lieutenant,commanding the other section or half of thecompany. With this rank, you get access to1st Lieutenant forum rank as well as theesteemed Baker Guard Zouaves uniform,an Irish-American unit that was a companyof the 69th Pennsylvania Volunteers,which fought bravely in most battles thatinvolved the Army of the Potomac.

Your Rewards.Everything above.In-game Colt Walker M1847 revolver.Captain rank forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under 'CAPTAIN tier'The Captain is another incredibly importantrank within the organization of a unit.These were often friends of the Colonel whofirst organized the unit, and were taskedwith going to the individual townships,gathering from their respective populationbases to form the one-hundred mennecessary for a company, of which they hadoverall command of. Those that choose thispledge tier will get the Captain forum rankalong with the deadly M1847 Colt Walker,the first design by Colt which predicated apowerful arms magnate. The Walker has thesame powder charge as a rifle or musketdespite its caliber.Additionally, you getaccess to the closed-Alpha Phase ISkirmishes. Your Rewards.Everything above.In-game Hawken rifle.Major rank forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under 'MAJOR tier'The Major was the first foray from junior tosenior officers, and on the regimental levelcommanded one half, or ‘wing’ of the units,usually four or five companies. Oftentimessoldiers farther away could distinguish thedistance between junior and senior officersby how many rows of buttons were on thejacket, whether one or two plus rows forjunior or senior respectively. With thedigital edition, donators have access to theMajor forum rank and the Hawken rifle, aprized and hand-made weapon for mountainmen and sharpshooters alike since the firstrifle was produced in 1823. Your Rewards.Everything above.Collectors edition including:.Authentic civil war era dug minieball.War of Rights poster.Harper’s Weekly Maryland Campaign prints.Collectors edition game disc.War of Rights mouse pad.Enlistment papers, officer command papers.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under 'MAJOR tier'Those that choose to spring for thisphysical edition will receive not only thedigital awards, but a neat and jam-packedcare package straight from the HeadDevelopers to your door.

Included are thingsranging from a dug Minie ball, a physicalposter, reprints of the famous HarpersWeekly newspaper about the MarylandCampaign, Collector’s Edition Disc and box,printed mousepad, as well as historicallyreprinted enlistment forms of soldiers andofficers courtesy of Sullivan Press! Your Rewards.Everything above.In game 79th New York Infantry uniform.Extra Steam copy of War of Rights, will be delivered when the game has been fully released.Lieutenant-Colonel rank forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under 'LIEUTENANT-COLONEL tier'The Lieutenant-Colonel was incrediblyimportant to the regiment, as while henormally commanded the other half or wingnot taken by the Major, he was also first inline to take command should somethinghappen to the Colonel. With this pledge youshall receive the associated forum rank aswell as access to the uniform of the 79thNew York Volunteers, a Scottish-Americanunit, noted for their more traditional attiredue to new uniforms not getting in in timefor their marching out.

Your Rewards.Everything above.In-game Eagle pommel sword.Colonel rank forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under 'COLONEL tier'The Colonel held one of the most importantand game-changing ranks as any in the war.The loss of a regiment’s beloved Colonelcould spell a full on panicked retreat to therear or an enraged surge into the fray.Colonels were often in their positionbecause they created the regiment,getting the funds and men together to getthings going. For such a prestigious andimportant position, this pledge tier gets theEagle Pommel Sword to show off in-game,a custom-made testament to service in theMexican-American War, along with theColonel forum rank.

Your Rewards.Everything above.In-game 11th Mississippi uniform.Brigadier-General rank forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under 'BRIGADIER-GENERAL tier'During the Civil War, you would seeBrigadier-Generals on both sidescommanding a variety of levels of units,but most commonly Brigadier-Generals werein command of Brigades, or sometimesperhaps a division. A brigade made up quitea few men, namely two to six regiments,though usually four, totaling to aboutfour-thousand men.

With this rank of greatresponsibility comes the Brigadier-Generalforum rank and the in-game uniform of the11th Mississippi Volunteer Infantry.These daring men got a significant part oftheir members from the University ofMississippi, and they represented theirstate well throughout the entire war withthe Army of Northern Virginia. Your Rewards.Everything above.In-game Allen & Wheelock Percussion Army.Major-General rank forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under 'MAJOR-GENERAL tier'.Physical softcover The Making of War of Rights bookThe Major Generals were commanders ofanything between a division or a whole armyin the case of the Union until General Grant,and the commanders of divisions andcorps/wings in the Confederacy. So,while Union Major-General McClellan hadoverall command of the Army of thePotomac, Confederate Major-GeneralStonewall Jackson or James Longstreet onlyhad command of their respective corps.Pledgers of this tier receive theMajor-General forum rank and access to therare Allen & Wheelock Percussion Armyrevolver, a piece of.44 caliber ingenuityand death, of which only seven-hundredwere made.

Your Rewards.Everything above.In-game J.F. Brown Target rifle.Lieutenant-General rank forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under 'LIEUTENANT-GENERAL tier'.Your softcover physical The Making of War of Rights book will be changed into a highly limited signed hardcover!The rank of Lieutenant-General was a rankof ultimate honor and responsibility withinthe army.

George Washington was the onlyperson to have this rank in the Union formany years until Winfield Scott wasbreveted the position in 1855. It wasn’t untilGeneral Grant that such a rank wasreestablished for active service. In contrast,there were as many as eighteen men withthis rank after the adoption of the Corpssystem. We greatly thank anyone whopledges for this tier for the humongoussupport of our production, and we shall begiving you access in-game to the J.F.

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BrownTarget Rifle, one of the most advanced riflesproduced at the time, and issued to none butthe best of sharpshooters. Your Rewards.Everything above.General of the Army forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under 'GENERAL OF THE ARMY tier'.Drill manual numbered & signed by the developers.Physical Boxed edition upgraded to numbered limited editionJust after the Civil War, the top-most rungof the military ladder is reserved for the fewpeople to have been given this incredibleposition.

The General of the Army is incommand of all land military forces of asingle nation, with a naval equivalent alsohaving been created during the same act ofCongress in 1866. Only a few names in thehistory of the United States can be countedon this list, including Ulysses S. Grant,William T. Sherman, and ending with OmarBradley as of yet. But you might have achance at it yourself with this pledge tierenacted by the Campfire Games Congress!Let all other Generals beware of yourabsolute authority!

Your Rewards.Everything above.#2 to 10 Signed and Numbered LE Physical Copy of War of Rights.Secretary of War forum badge.Be added to the credits for War of Rights under 'SECRETARY OF WAR tier'.Playable commanders Jackson & Hooker.Physical kepi or forage hatThis position was created as a deterrentfrom any sort of single officer’s control overthe entire nation’s military by having acivilian leader. During the Civil War, thebest known Secretaries of War were theimposing Edwin Stanton for the US and thegrim James Seddon for the CS, the two righthand men on military matters for theirrespective presidents. With this tier, you getthe ability to deploy yourself onto the battlefield as the iconic corps commanders JosephHooker and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson,along with your own physical kepi or foragehat from the incredible shop of Dirty Billy’sHats, renowned for their quality millenary!

IntroductionWar of Rings is a 3D MMORPG mobile game, in which players travel to the wondrous homelands of the elves, dwarfs, gnomes, orcs, cyclopses among others in order to collect 27 powerful rings and create a brand new world order! This game features many unique game modes and systems, such as the free equipment system, where equipment is obtainable only via killing monsters. The free trade system, in which players can freely trade items without price restrictions.

A powerful and diverse social system, where guild members and friends fight alongside each other. And a balanced and exciting world boss system where bosses can be found across the world map and refresh all day round.Game Features——New Era, offline auto-combatUnique auto-combat system design that even offers offline auto-combat will help you to upgrade and kill bosses, creating a win-win situation for both work and play.——Advancement, exclusive customization systemThis game features a fully customization system, in which you can advance as you see fit, outside the constraints of a traditional class system. You can acquire your very own exclusive titles, spectacular skills and featured looks.——Cool mounts, customizable looksDozens of cool mounts including tyrannosaurus, skyfyre and griffins are at your service, customizable equipment and splendid wings will make you stand out of the ordinary.——Trade freely, buy or sell equipmentIn the trade market of this game, you can freely sell any unused or extra equipment you obtained from killing bosses or completing quests.

None of your resources or time shall be wasted.——Team PvE, fierce PvPPvP is allowed on all maps. You can team up to take on high level players and if you are lucky enough to give the finishing blow, then the ultimate equipment is yours. Team up to tackle the World Bosses, high drop rate makes this game more thrilling and exciting.——Contact UsIf you like our games, please follow our Facebook to get more information and events.

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