Curses Foiled Again

Felix is a vampirea fierce creature of the night who strikes terror into the hearts of everyone unlucky enough to become his prey. Or at least, thats what he thought was true, until he met John. John is completely unimpressed with Felix, much to his dismay. Felix becomes fixated on proving his ferocity to Johnand when that doesnt work, he strives to make any impression on Felix is a vampire—a fierce creature of the night who strikes terror into the hearts of everyone unlucky enough to become his prey. Or at least, that’s what he thought was true, until he met John. John is completely unimpressed with Felix, much to his dismay. Felix becomes fixated on proving his ferocity to John—and when that doesn’t work, he strives to make any impression on him at all.John is a witch, and as all witches know, vampires are notoriously stupid creatures who only have the power to hurt those who fear them.

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Besides, he’s under a curse much more frightening than any vampire. Felix’s desperate attempts to impress him annoy John at first, but gradually, they become sort of endearing. Because of his curse, John has pushed everyone in his life away.

But Felix can’t be hurt, so there’s no harm in letting him hang around.Felix is technically dead. John has nothing left to live for. But together, they might have a shot at life.This dark and witty vampire romance for adults is complete at 100,000 words, with no cliffhanger. Despite some dark twists and turns, it ends with a solid HEA. I am stalking you.-Why?-Because Im a fierce creature of the night.Felix and John, a couple that actually made me laugh. I loved reading about their interactions. John was the serious one, having a curse threaten his life everyday made him antisocial and reluctant to form any kind of relationship with other people.

It was so funny seeing Felixs efforts to make John go out with him. He and John had such a nice chemistry and I loved Felixs goofy personality.-So whats your curse? Is it -“I am stalking you.”-“Why?”-“Because I’m a fierce creature of the night.”Felix and John, a couple that actually made me laugh.

I loved reading about their interactions. John was the serious one, having a curse threaten his life everyday made him antisocial and reluctant to form any kind of relationship with other people.

It was so funny seeing Felix’s efforts to make John go out with him. He and John had such a nice chemistry and I loved Felix’s goofy personality.-“So what’s your curse? Is it something really bad?”-“No. It’s a nice curse.”-“Ah. You’re being sarcastic.”I also appreciated the fact that the author really put some thought in the main character’s daily life. I have noticed that in a lot of romance stories the secondary characters are almost non-existent or they are extremely underdeveloped.

Also, every scene in the story is about what the main characters do when they are together. It is almost as if they don’t have a personal life outside of their relationship.That is not the case with this book. There were plenty of moments where the reader could see Felix and John go about their daily lives separately. The story also had two amazing secondary characters. I love how Felix’s sister and John’s friend were always there to support them and offer them advice.That being said there was still some space for improvement. Felix’s goofy personality that I liked so much, doesn’t match with the terrible things he said he did when he was human.

Definition of leap. (Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. 1: to spring free from or as if from the ground: jump leap over a fence a fish leaps out of the water. 2a: to pass abruptly from one state or topic to another the difficult leap from college to the workplace. Leap definition, to spring through the air from one point or position to another; jump: to leap over a ditch. Leap definition in the bible. (leap on something) to be immediately very interested in something or very keen to do or have something She found herself leaping on the suggestion. Synonyms and related words.

Also, I didn’t like the fact that Felix was stalking John in the beginning. With Felix’s personality it was obvious that John was not in any kind of danger, quite the opposite, but I still think it was not okay for Felix to start stalking him until he agreed to go out with him.Another thing that I don’t like to see in romances is when one of the main characters sleeps with someone else after they have met their love interest. In this case, Felix and John might not have known each other so well at the time, but still, I can’t help but doubt how strong John’s feelings were for Felix. Since the reader is picking up a book to read about the relationship between the main characters, I don’t see how John having a one night stand with someone else and then Felix meeting that person would add to the story.Finally, I think the ending was too rushed and the way things resolved in the end seemed way too easy to me.3.5 Stars.I voluntarily reviewed the free copy that I received.

Update 2010-04-05: After some consideration and experimentation, it looks like I'll end up migrating to Wordpress. It seems to have more and better features built in. I'll keep posting here for a little while, till I get things set up at the new site and can notify anyone who has me blogrolled that I know about (which may even be before my next real post).Status Update: Redirect temporarily disabled while I work on things.I've been looking for a while now for a way to make my blog more mobile-friendly.

I've noticed that, while the layout I'm using works fairly well with my Palm Pre, it's not really optimal. Then one day I went to on my phone and saw they have a mobile version that comes up automatically on my phone and realized that was what I was looking for.

Alas, it turns out that Gun Nuts Media is on WordPress, and Blogger doesn't have that option. It seemed I was out of luck.Looking into it again, in the vain hope that Blogger had joined the 21st century, I found a link to. Flurp converts a blog to a mobile friendly format (with a couple of different layouts for different phones). You can either insert code in the blog header that redirects mobile browsers to the mobile site automatically, or you can add a link to the mobile version. It's still in alpha, but it seems to work pretty well (though it does cut titles short after only about 15 characters on the iPhone version).Right now, I've set it up to automatically redirect.

I may change that in the future, depending on how it affects my usage and depending on any feedback I get from you, my readers. Image byUpdating.About 30 people circled together inside Owens Dining Hall Saturday afternoon to discuss a unified response. The meeting, led by Student Government Association president Brandon Carroll, tossed around several ideas in handling the church.“We want everybody on the same page,” Carroll said.The group voted, agreeing that a counter-protest will be formed.It looks like the main victim of their protest will be Morgan Harrington.Church officials said they were not protesting the 2007 shootings, saying they were “coming for the event that happened last month,” referencing slain student Morgan Harrington. A 20-year-old education major, Harrington was found in late January 2010 after going missing in October 2009 while attending a Metallica concert in Charlottesville, Va. I still find it strikingly coincidental that this will be exactly one week before April 16.Tech's LGBTA community has taken the opposite approach - ignore them and don't give them the reaction they're looking for.The LGBTA community has also shown outrage about the church’s protest.

Aimee Kanode, a senior humanities, science, and environment major at Tech and president of Tech’s LGBTA said she would not attend the protest, as she has work on the day of the protest.“These people are awful, appalling, despicable,” Kanode said. “My method is to just ignore them. Me wasting energy on those people is not worth my time.” Kanode said that while the group would not officially organize for the protest, several members and officers would be in attendance. Kanode said she advised her members to “be smart about it.”The bastards are probably hoping to distract from other events, too.Another concern for community members is the potential for the protest to take away from other events for the day. Among the events scheduled for April 9 include a memorial for David Seth Mitchell, a US Marine killed in Afghanistan and Tech’s Relay for Life event, which is a fundraiser for cancer research.They're trying to get their money's worth out of this trip, it seems. Is how you fight piracyNAIROBI, Kenya – Suspected Somali pirates fired on a U.S.

Navy warship off East Africa early Thursday in what appeared to be a ransom-seeking attack on an American guided missile frigate, officials said.The USS Nicholas returned fire on the pirate skiff, sinking it and confiscating a nearby mothership. The Navy took five pirates into custody, said Navy Lt. Patrick Foughty, a spokesman.The U.S.

Africa Command said the five pirates seized Thursday would remain in U.S. Custody on board the frigate for now. The Nicholas is home-ported in Norfolk, Va.Seizing or sinking the mothership and taking the pirates prisoner works a whole lot better than. Hopefully, these pirates will go to jail for a long time. Fifteen phony products — including a gasoline-powered alarm clock — won a label from the government certifying them as energy efficient in a test of the federal 'Energy Star' program. Investigators concluded the program is 'vulnerable to fraud and abuse.' It's 'vulnerable to fraud and abuse?'

No kidding!But the General Accountability Office, Congress' investigative arm, said Energy Star doesn't verify claims made by manufacturers — which might explain the gasoline-powered alarm clock, not to mention a product billed as an air room cleaner that was actually a space heater with a feather duster and fly strips attached, and a computer monitor that won approval within 30 minutes of submission.So, in a program involving tax credits and rebates (i.e. Taxpayer money), the government doesn't bother to actually verify the claims those credits and rebates are based on. Even worse they don't even bother to find out what it is they're certifying! 'EPA officials confirmed that because the energy-efficiency information was plausible, it was likely that no one read the product description information,' GAO said. And they lie about it! According to the GAO, the EPA and Energy Department told investigators in briefings that although the program is based on manufacturers' certifying their products meet efficiency standards, that efficiency is ensured through aftermarket tests and self-policing.Remember, this is the same government that is now in charge of our health-care system. Be afraid, be very afraid.

Well, they did it. The Democrat Party bucked the voters, opposed public opinion, and inflicted a massive socialist health insurance system on us.story warms my heart. The media is already talking about how this will hurt the Dems.The initial blush of President Barack Obama's health care triumph immediately gives way to a sober political reality — he must sell the landmark legislation to an angry and unpredictable electorate, still reeling from the recession.Voters may not buy it.And that could mean a disastrous midterm election year for Obama and his fellow Democrats.Some are saying that after the Repubs get control of Congress back, they can repeal this insanity. While I agree that they could, I think pigs growing wings and joining the avian family is far more likely.

Obama will never sign a repeal, and I doubt they'll get the numbers to override a veto. By the time we have a President who may be receptive, there will be a massive bureaucracy in place, working against repeal in order to protect itself. Let's face it - when was the last time the government made itself smaller?And now, here's a quick roundup of coverage by the bloggers I frequent. They'll probably say anything I could, and do it much better.Nicki at.Robb at Sharp as a Marble has.Sebastian at has several posts, reminding us that for those who voted for this monstrosity, that, and starts looking to. He shows us that some are looking to present against this even after it's signed.Another rightfully angry post, this one by Atom Smasher at.reminds us that it's not the end of the world, or even the country, and offers us some comfort. I'm not quite as confident about this as the person she quotes, but that's more due to some of the specifics of the bill than the principle that is quoted.Brigid at Home on the Range has that we should all remember eight months from now.Tam at give us a little (but only a little, in my opinion) hyperbole.Michael Bane posts, and gives us some.That's all I have for the moment, but it's still early this morning.

I may do an update later, if I have time. Iron man. Somali pirates attack a Dutch warship:But that's not the stupid part. This is:The two skiffs were destroyed and the pirates were set free on the mothership after it had been cleared of weapons.

emphasis mineWhiskey Tango Foxtrot, over?Do they really expect that to stop - or even slightly discourage - these human cockroaches from going right back out and attacking another ship? They probably had replacement skiffs and weapons before the end of the day! If you want to stop piracy, you have to actually punish the pirates! Hanging from the yardarm is a good start.One of these days, someone is going to get really serious about fighting pirates. Until then, well, we have this idiocy.