Diesel Or Death Hacked

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This includes internet protocol (IP)addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, platform type,date/timestamp, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’smovement in the aggregate, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. Danica Patrick is the most successful female in pro racing history, and she is also the hottest.
Over the years, has made a name for herself by racing both Indy cars and Nascar. A new Nascar cup series just began, and her next race is at Bristol in her number ten car. So far she’s won one Indy race, and achieved a pole in Nascar, two records that set the benchmark for women in the sport. But what draws the attention of even more fans is her wholesome beauty and fiery personality.Recently, Danica made news off the racetrack, when she pulled an awesome prank for April Fool's Day. On her Insta, Danica posted a selfie of her kissing her boyfriend, Ricky Stenhouse Jr., with a big diamond ring on her finger. The couple has been dating for three years, so the image wasn’t too shocking to be true, and many fans offered their congratulations.
But then they realized it was April first, and the joke was on them.Ricky Stenhouse Jr. Posed for the prank pic, so he seems to have a good sense of humor, which is good if he’s going to survive this crazy list. We have collected a bunch of images that found Danica in her worst light, and sometimes even her best. But either way, these are images that Stenhouse would not want the world to see of his girlfriend. We are not sure what is going on in this one. Danica is looking up at what appears to be a naked woman with some very long legs. This is a fantasy scene for most boyfriends, one which will probably never happen in real life.
Unless you’re dating a party-animal like who shows up to a club and makes it rain. However, most decent women won’t be caught dead in a strip club, and if they do, they’re either absolutely hammered, or just passing through to scoff.
Rarely will a girl actually sit down and consider the entertainment like in this pic. This is another Go Daddy spot, and they like to capitalize on the depths of male dreams. Danica usually plays it safe while a nobody stripper shows off the goods. She has watched women flaunt themselves in courtrooms, in dressing rooms, and in police uniforms.
These ads lead millions of dudes to visit the Go Daddy website and be so disappointed with the most boring domain name information ever. Danica used to race for Go Daddy. The sponsor has since cut ties, but there are multiple odd images still lingering online from the many Super Bowl commercials she shot with the internet company.
In this commercial she wore a fairly realistic muscle suit and looked totally buff. Now, no dude wants to see his girl looking stronger than himself. Most guys want to be a little bigger. And he also doesn’t want his girl to look so strong that it’s unattractive. Danica is definitely sexier as the svelte babe that she is, without all of that extra muscle mass. The commercial was aired during the 2014 Super Bowl.
That was the one when the Seahawks killed the Broncos, 43 to 8. Who cares, right?
If your favorite team isn’t playing, or you didn’t wager, the Super Bowl is the most forgettable sporting event ever. The commercials are way easier to remember. If you haven’t heard, Danica is a yoga expert. This is an intense pose. I’m not sure what the name of it is, but it’s nearing contortionist levels. Danica is so into yoga, that she suffered an injury.
She ended up meeting her ex-husband, a physical therapist, while she was treating the injury. Although injuries do sometimes occur, yoga is one of the healthiest ways to stay fit, and is trendy as hell. Actresses like swear by it. She blames all of her good looks on yoga, and plastic surgery too.
Danica has steered clear of the latter, so far, and looks great. She has such sharp features, that she should be looking hot for years to come. And her extreme foodie, all-natural, and wine connoisseur diet will keep her healthy as well. 12 Chef Danica.
This is a funny shot of Danica in the kitchen. Notice the image on her apron. That’s Stenhouse. How humiliating! The guy looks like a total dufus.
Danica is cooking breakfast and acting like she's wearing very little underneath that apron, kind of like those hot-girl-cooking posts you see on Insta all the time. The truth is that Danica is a huge fan of fine cuisine. She even participated in a celebrity version of Chopped on Food Network.
That’s the show when they give you three totally random ingredients, like Doritos, Jelly beans, and goat liver, and you have to incorporate all three ingredients into an entree within an hour. You can also use a pantry of groceries available to mask, or break-down the oddball foods they throw at you. Danica was not fazed by the show, in fact she won it. Here is another still from a Go Daddy commercial. This one was probably their most memorable of all.
You can see Danica on the left, and the reason Stenhouse doesn’t want you to see this is because his girl got totally overshadowed. Idle balls prestige. First of all, Danica is standing next to, one of the hottest bikini models in the business. And second, what Bar does to that ugly nerd is upstaging and unbelievable. You remember, right?
I think every dork in the world thought they had a chance after watching Bar make out heavy with the goofy guy. There were tongues flopping and everything.
Jesse Heiman was the lucky nerd who nabbed the role. He told Business Insider, 'They said you have to be okay with kissing Bar Refaeli, a supermodel, in the Super Bowl, and I was like, is this a question?
If someone's opposed to that, then he should get out of the business.' He added, 'They had me audition with a bunch of people, and in the first audition they had us kissing a blow up doll.” 10 Take Her Breath Away. So, guys are so seriously immature, right? Every time we run one of these “forbidden pictures” type of stories, we usually include a lewd “putting something in her mouth” shot. It’s awful, right?
But it’s also hilarious. Sometimes the hottie celeb will be sucking on a popsicle, or licking a bratwurst, maybe ingesting a banana.
You get the drift. Each time men see this image they do that instinctive photoshop in their minds, and suddenly a banana looks like something so much more personal. This time there were no banana pics to be found, but we did discover a rather suggestive screenshot from yet another Go Daddy ad. Oh yeah, Stenhouse does not appreciate the innuendo involved with this image. Taken in the wrong context, this is a very steamy scene. We had to sneak another one of these glamour shots in just to get Stenhouse jealous again.
Especially after the 'breath' pic, his temper must really be flaring. Hopefully he is just laughing now, because we’re only at the halfway point. From here things will only get worse for him and better for us. In this pic we have the lovely Danica lounging on a vehicle. This looks like more of a classic throwback hot rod, not the Indy car or the stock car that she’s used to driving professionally.
But any car you throw at her, Danica will race. She even drove a Lyft car for a celebrity endorsement. The ads were pretty funny, and involved a celeb going incognito, and then revealing their true identity later. Other celebs included baseball stars like and Kris Bryant. But what do those guys know about driving? Danica’s car would be ideal, surely the fastest ride on the road. 8 Yacht Yoga.
This is an interesting image of Danica (left) and a close friend doing yoga on a yacht. Again, this is one of those positions that I’m having a hard time defining. I guess when you get to a certain level of expertise you just make up your own moves. Whatever works, right? Just don’t injure yourself. As far as danger of injury goes in this shot, boat yoga is certainly more treacherous than the gym floor.
And do you see the sleek black architectural marvel behind them? That’s the John Hancock Center, in Chicago. Have you been on Lake Michigan?
Ninety percent of the time, that water is choppy as hell. The water seems angry, lashing and spitting like it wants out of the lake. The harbor is always calmer, but still. The wake from one douchebag in a power boat, and that little butt is slipping down on the mat and bonking heads. Believe it or not, Danica was around when tramp stamps were still almost in style. It’s hard to fathom that this beauty is 35 years old. She still looks great, doesn’t she?
But with age comes history, and history reveals all unknown evils. For example, at one point people thought that asbestos was a good idea. Firemen wore asbestos blankets.
Elementary schools were insulated for sound and heat with the flaky stuff. Then somebody found out it causes cancer. The stuff is deadly. Now, smoking is kind of an obvious one, but asbestos was a hidden killer. We’re not saying that a tramp stamp tattoo will kill you, but it will kill your fashion credibility. And it may even kill the boyfriend’s libido, as he watches the tattoo morph and discolor with age. 6 The Ex-Husband.
Sorry, Danica. Stenhouse had to see this. And he surely hates to see another man with his girl. Especially the wedding photo. That’s the worst.
With the wedding comes the reception, the dance floor, the cake, and finally the honeymoon. And then all Stenhouse can imagine is that dude going to town, like only honeymooners go to town. It was a Catholic wedding. Danica converted to catholicism for the guy, but she also made him sign a prenup.
How does that make sense? The groom’s name is Paul Edward Hospenthal, not that it matters. Dude is a nobody. Doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page, for crying out loud. He’s a physical therapist. He’s not famous at all.
Wow, this girl is in great shape. Look at the abs.
Maybe Stenhouse isn’t jealous, but he might be a modest man who doesn’t want to show off that he has such a perfect mate. Seriously, you can’t be much more in shape than this. Her abs look similar to, the Olympic gymnast, who is only 22 years old, 13 years younger than this racecar driver. Professional driving is a misunderstood sport though. Most people don’t realize the physical exertion that is involved.
People think NBA players are in shape, which is true, but that’s obvious because they’re running around in shorts and a tank top. Nascar drivers hide their bodies under a fireproof jumpsuit. They sit in that car and literally bake themselves for three hours. You have to be quite fit to endure conditions like that.
Hey, Chicago, what do you say? The Cubs are gonna win today.” Guess what, Stenhouse? Your girl is a Cubbie fan. Check that- World Champion Chicago Cubs fan. That was a sampling of the Chicago Cubs' gloating song there, and she knows every word. The Cubs are the defending champs of the MLB! Hard to believe, right?
I’m a huge fan myself, and I still can’t believe they won. Danica can’t believe it either. She was born in southern Wisconsin, and raised in Roscoe, IL.
That’s a tiny little town in the heart of Cubs Country. So where is Stenhouse from again, Mississippi? Do they even have a baseball team? Let’s see, the closest teams would be either the Atlanta Braves, or maybe even the St. Louis Cardinals. Both of those teams are National League rivals to the Cubbies. You better not talk baseball with your girl, Stenhouse.
You’ll be asking for trouble. Even if you are a professional racecar driver, it's still scary to see a terrible crash. Every time it happens, there’s always a chance that the worst case scenario could become reality. These drivers are in peak physical condition, they train for hours, and envelope themselves in state of the art safety equipment, but still, nothing or nobody is indestructible. And man you should have seen how pissed Danica was when she walked away from this one.
That’s a whole different kind of scary. She was furious. At Daytona in 2015, she found, after the wreck and yelled, “What are you f-ing doing?” He calmly explained that it was just an accident, “Because you’re loose, Danica.” But Danica argued this was the second time this had happened, and that he should stop, “Riding her a-.” 2 Bikini Beauty. Let’s start out with a hot one. Here we have Danika looking so flawless in a bikini. Sometimes dudes like showing off how hot their girlfriends are, but other times, they get jealous, and want to keep her to themselves.
When you’re dating the most famous female racecar driver in history, you have no choice. Anybody, anywhere can google “Danica Hot” and view dozens of images of the woman. So is Stenhouse the jealous type of guy?
Well, he is a pro athlete, and those dudes are usually alpha all the way. Stenhouse is also a Nascar driver, and has won 8 races and 9 poles. He’s a southern boy, born in Tennessee and raised in Mississippi. Do southern dudes get jealous quicker than yankees? Not quite sure, but I’m guessing maybe. Those hacker jerks have targeted everybody, haven’t they? The list goes on and on, and Danica should consider herself lucky that this one was the worst that they found.
It is cropped off here, but the authentic one shows a breast and nipple. She looks fine, but there are hotter mainstream pictures of her in a bikini.
The weird thing about this is the look on her face. What exactly is that expression meant to convey? This is why she’s not known for her acting. And the photography is all off, with the strange angle and bad lighting. Definitely not a skilled selfie taker like,. Stenhouse might be embarrassed by this shot, since it may have been meant privately for him. Or even worse, this shot may have been one last attempt to mend things, before Danica and her ex-divorced.Sources: BusinessInsider, Wikipedia, TheAtlantic.