Midas Gold Plus Trainer

.EDIT:.The calculator linked in the second post by Jamezu ( is much better than the one I provide in this post. It's completely automatic and produces either the same or more accurate results for much less effort.I've developed a method for optimising the distribution of BP in pet upgrades.You can find the calculator implementing the method by clicking here(haven't got around to including Block/Reflect yet, since I don't know how they work.

If someone could provide an exact description of how they work, and in particular their specific interaction with defence/attack potions, then I'll get around to including them eventually.Instructions on how to reach the optimum BP distribution:1. Provide all the inputs necessary (edit the green values), starting with an upgrade level of 0 in all stats.2. Scroll down to the relevant section regarding which stats you have unlocked (e.g. Wild ones song. Only Health, Attack, Defence and Lifesteal)3. Upgrade by 1 whichever stat it says is the best to upgrade and the calculator will update and give a new stat which is the best to upgrade.4.

Repeat step 3 until you can't afford to upgrade the best stat, then just upgrade the best stat that you can afford.When you run out of BP, all of it should have been distributed optimally.It's possible to completely automate this, so the calculator just spits out an optimum BP distribution as soon as you've provided the inputs, but I don't have the programming knowledge to do this in Google Docs. I have provided the pseudo-code necessary to completely automate the process in case anyone was interested though:) (it's in the sheet labeled 'Pseudocode for Automated Optimising').What does it mean to have an 'optimum BP distribution'?The calculator produces the BP distribution that results in the highest average damage dealt before your pet dies. The reason I consider this to be the optimum BP distribution is because you only ever care about distributing your BP optimally if you're struggling to beat a monster (if you can beat a monster already, then you don't care about how your BP is distributed). If you're struggling to defeat a monster, this means you are unable to deal enough damage to defeat the monster before your pet dies. The goal then is purely to increase the amount of damage your pet can deal so that it can defeat the monster before your pet dies.

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If the BP distribution that produces the highest average damage can not defeat a monster, then no other distribution of BP will succeed either. EDIT:.This last assumption turned out to be wrong.

The distribution that produces the highest probability of defeating a monster doesn't necessarily maximise the average damage dealt by the pet before it dies.The ideal BP distribution should in theory maximise the probability of defeating a monster. My goal focused mainly on maximising a low probability (i.e. Below 50%) rather than always trying to maximise the probability of success. The reason being that since you can just keep attempting a fight over and over again without any penalty, there is no need to guarantee success or even to have a high probability of success. If you are trying to beat a boss using as little health potions as possible, or as early as you possibly can beat it, then you will always have a low probability of success. Hence optimising by maximising a low probability of success is the idealised case.I've checked whether the calculator works through using Volv's simulator(to double check, and from what I've looked at so far, it does seem to produce desirable results.

Of course, I would appreciate if other people could check my calculator (by doing their own simulations) and post their findings regarding whether the final BP distributions end up being desirable/optimal.If you have any questions or are confused about anything, feel free to ask. I have also written a pet optimiser, available here: It should be obvious, but change the five numbers near the top for your current champion/pet/battle, hit the red RUN button, and it will show the best BP distribution to use for different combinations of attack and defense potions. It does this by computing all possible BP distibutions, and then simulating a battle for each one. championmultiplier: Look in your champion screen, it will say e.g. +1700%, which is a multiplier of 18 (i.e.

Divide by 100 and add 1). petnumber: Which pet are you on? Parrot is 1, Boar is 2, Python is 3 etc.

petlevel: Self-explanatory - the pet's level number. petbattlepoints: Total BP available, go to the Pet Upgrades page, hit Reset All and then it will show you the total at the top. enemyhp: In the battle screen, it shows the enemy hit points at the start of the battleI originally wrote this using a monte-carlo simulator, but that version won't run online.

So, this version just uses exepcted probabilities of the random events instead. However, the results seem to match the monte-carlo simulator. At the moment, it doesn't yet simulate block or reflect, because I haven't got that far with my pet yet. I will update it once I get to that stage. Volv reads this:)Haven't had a chance to go through either properly yet, possibly something to add indeed.

So far the gains from optimisation haven't inspired me to try, although it was on the todo list.InductionDuo I replied in chat about block but don't know if you saw it.I ran some tests on it as I thought by applying block first (which would make sense) it would fix an issue with the simulator which has a tendency to slightly overestimate success chance in long battles. However both with and without def potions the average damage done to pet after a block was just the average dmg done to pet - block amount. So seems to come off last.Reflect. 30% chance to do (Reflect dmg) to mob.

You still take the same damage. @VolvThanks, I think I did miss what you said (I went to sleep a couple of hours after I asked).So, just to clarify:Block is a 30% chance to reduce damage taken. Appied after the defence potion.

So say we have a defence potion active, 10 Defence, 10 Block and the monster deals 100 damage. Defence would reduce the damage to 90. The defence potion would reduce that damage to 45.

Then Block would reduce this to 35.Reflect is a 30% chance to deal extra damage equal to its value. Unaffected by the attack potion?@JamezuInteresting. I used your calculator for my current pet/monster configuration (Felix, level 7 Bone Breaker Python versus a 7.2e6 health monster) and the ended up getting (H:9, A:11, D:1, L:3, B:0, R:0) while my calculator would end up with (H:10, A:10, D:2, L:3, B:0, R:0). Yes, you are right, the method I published just applies the expected probability outcome of each action as you said.In the method I use offline, I used a monte-carlo simulation (i.e. Running the battle for each pet upgrade configuration 1000 times) and taking the average health potions used, and average hitpoints left on the pet at the end of the battle.

This then pretty accurately returns the correct result, including maximizing the probability of battle success when health potion usage is equivalent between two pet configurations. Unfortunately that version doesn't run online (neither the random number generator nor the multithreading libraries I used are available on the rust playpen). However, I've never seen a significant difference in my monte-carlo method and my averaging method; so, I conclude that the one I've provided here is 'good enough'. If that changes as my pet progresses, I will report back (I run both versions in my offline runs). I have updated my simulator(to include the BLOCK pet stat.I have now progressed far enough that I am on Lake Lizard, so I can see how block works!

Still no support for reflect yet, will add then when I get to it. This averaging version still seems to track my more-accurate monte-carlo version well enough.My advice is: max out health and attack (health one more than attack if necessary), then distribute the rest of the points on defence, lifesteal and block as you see fit. Won't go too far wrong by doing this. Always use attack and defence potions (once the battles aren't totally trivial), as this will be the most efficient use of potions in the long run. Small suggestion, Jamezu.

As far as I know, BP is directly linked to the monsters you've beat, so you'll always have the same amount of BP when you have to attack the next monster. That means there's space to be a little more user-friendly, by finding a way to just note how many BP you've got and automatically calculate for the monster you're against, or do the opposite, just noting the monster's HP and have the calculator assume your BP. Other than that, it's a nice tool, for which I'm thankful. Keep up the good work. From my original post: championmultiplier: Look in your champion screen, it will say e.g.

+1700%, which is a multiplier of 18 (i.e. Divide by 100 and add 1)So, with my current champion (Tempestus) it says +3980% which is a multiplier of 40.8 (again, divide by 100 and add 1). Always enter it with a decimal point (e.g. 18.0 not 18).

Like Volv, I feel that this is a lot of effort for marginal gains, but since you seem to be proceeding, here's a few thoughts (I read through much of the chatter here but I may have missed some things due to length)1) The mechanics for all three abilities are completely charted out. Block is obvious. Reflect is just straight-up extra damage. Life Steal is a straight-up heal. The percentages and formulas are also known - you can pull them from Volv's calculator, as well as any other mechanics you need - afaik, it's open-source. If you can't get the numbers there, shoot me a line and I'll send them over from the original spreadsheet we had set up for this purpose.2) You can cut down the number of combinations drastically by requiring ATK and HP to be at least N% of the total BP investment - settle on a value you are comfortable with, but I'd recommend around 60% - and require they be roughly equal (call it within 3 points of each other). You can also make life easier by assuming ATK/DEF potions are always on (because if you're not at the point where you are using those, you don't have enough BP to care about optimization).

If you're patient enough, it should be moderately easy to write up a 'learning' script that prunes off option branches when they clearly become less optimal without having to try the entire branch - way more investment than I'd put into this sort of project, but hey, if we're optimizing.3) When discussing this with Volv, one of the issues we both thought would be impractical for optimization is determining what constitutes the 'best' result. Is it a 50% chance of winning?

Depending on how patient you are, any of those values could work, and in a long fight the variance between those could be somewhat significant. If you are not calculating chance-factors into this and using straight-up 'average round' values instead, the result can wind up pretty far off - that's why a monte carlo simulator is necessary in the first place. Not sure what you settled on here for determining 'optimum'.4) If at any point you stop having fun with this, just stop - it isn't a very significant difference between optimum and 'adequate' distribution. I often enjoy this sort of undertaking myself, but given the meager potential gains, I would suggest only pursuing it as long as you are enjoying the process, rather than grinding through it because you want to wind up with a result.Good luck - I'll probably poke in at a later date and see what you ended up with.-C. Are you sure you are on the right battle? Does it say 'Bronze III 3 / 7' on the arena screen? If so, when you reset your Pet Upgrades, you should have 34 BP to spend.

I'm guessing you are on 'Bronze III 6/7', which would be consistent with you having 13 BP left over with that configuration.If none of the above, congratulations, you got 12 free BP - be happy:)EDIT: Sorry, I responded before I saw your second post. Just to check, 'H:5, A:5, D:1, L:2' means upgrade them to that level, if you upgraded them to levels '4, 4, 0, 1' it would say the cost of the next levels were '5, 5, 1, 2' and you would have 13 BP left over.Originally posted by.Jamezu(/forums/30674/topics/751336?page=1#11270022).:.

From my original post: championmultiplier: Look in your champion screen, it will say e.g. +1700%, which is a multiplier of 18 (i.e. Divide by 100 and add 1) So, with my current champion (Tempestus) it says +3980% which is a multiplier of 40.8 (again, divide by 100 and add 1).

Always enter it with a decimal point (e.g. 18.0 not 18). Hope that helps!A good way to avoid confusion would be to have the user input the champion number (1=Gilligan, 2=Audrey, 3=Scarlet, etc.) and have the program look up the correct multiplier (http://midasgoldplus.wikia.com/wiki/Pets#StatCalculation). Oh, I didnt know that Volv's stats were available, thanks! Anyway this version still times out when you start getting into higher divisions amounts of battle points. I think it's due to the amount of recursion you have used in the generateupgrades function, or the vector size.


Reflect support was easy to add, but I've hit this timeout bug whenever I try to use it on anything much higher than Bronze league. For example Bronze 5 Battle 8 (final bronze battle) produces about 80,000 possibilities, but the very next division (Silver 1 Battle 8) already blimps to almost 200,000 possibilites. I'll try to find some time to debug this soon if you didn't want to look at it yourself.