Puppies Outline

Topic: Puppy Mills
Organization: Cruelty of Puppy Mills/Individuals purchasing dogs from puppy mills/Stricter federal and state laws/Encouraging individuals to not buy from pet stores/online
Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience purchase their dogs from breeders and not puppy mills o the Internet because puppy mills can me detrimental to a puppy’s health.
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter: How many of you have own a dog?
B. Relevance: I’m sure that many of you have been tempted to buy a puppy while scrolling through the numerous websites online filled with cute pictures of healthy looking puppies.
C. Credibility: A few years ago, my roommate Anna was desperate to find a new puppy. The easiest place for her to find one was an
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English Mastiff puppies for sale! These lovable, playful English Mastiff puppies are an intelligent, sweet-tempered, and protective dog breed.

1. The first part of the problem is: Puppy mills are cruel places that mistreat and breed dogs only to make money.
2. According to The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, illness, disease, and little or no socialization with humans as well as other animals, are common characteristics of dogs from puppy mills. Female dogs are many times forced to breed at every chance available and when they can no longer produce puppies, they are often abandoned or killed. (www.aspca.org)
3. According to veterinarian, Dr. Lorie Huston, many puppy mill owners are not concerned about the genetic quality of the dogs and this causes many puppies to be more likely to develop genetic problems such as hip dysplasia and heart muscle disease. They can also have diseases such as canine distemper and intestinal parasites. (Hutson, L.)
Transition Statement:
Not only are puppy mills that produce many unhealthy and neglected puppies a problem, but as a result, many consumers unknowingly purchase these puppies from pet stores and the Internet.
B. The second part of the problem is: Consumers purchase puppies from pet stores or on the Internet without actually knowing the history behind this puppy.
1. According to the Humane Society of the United States and the Companion Animal Protection Society, approximately nine out of every ten puppies that are sold in pet stores come from puppy mills. The Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council states that pet stores sell

But we are also encouraged by the stories of our readers finding help through our site. During these challenging times, we guarantee we will work tirelessly to support you.

We will continue to give you accurate and timely information throughout the crisis, and we will deliver on our mission — to help everyone in the world learn how to do anything — no matter what. Thank you to our community and to all of our readers who are working to aid others in this time of crisis, and to all of those who are making personal sacrifices for the good of their communities. We will get through this together.Sincerely,Elizabeth DouglasCEO, wikiHow. Many people want to buy or adopt puppies, but they may not not realize how much care, attention, and time a puppy requires. To prevent your puppies from being abandoned in a shelter or puppy mill, you should ensure that their new owners will treat them properly.

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You can use a variety of mediums to reach out to potential adopters. Once you have a few interested parties, you need to thoroughly screen them to make sure that they can provide the puppy with a suitable home. Before you give the puppies away, have the new owners sign a contract swearing that they will adhere to certain basic principles. Gears of war 2. It is your responsibility to inform and educate the new owners about how to care for and raise the puppy.