Steel Armor Blaze Of War Demo

This game is on the list and they will be added in the nearest future.
The t62's fire controls are a litterally about 1/2 step removed from a ww2 t34's. While the M60's are pretty much 1/2 step removed from late 1940's tech. Its not like these are M1a1/leo 2's with stabilzed guns, laser range finders, thermal sights, and balistic computers.WITH that said, ww2 tanks generally DO play out better with the confines of PC tech. A 105mm armed tank is able to destroy main battle tanks at 3000 meters, even with simple fire controls. A ww2 tank and its wimpy gun is hard pressed to do the same at 1000 meters. Well, unless its something like an 88mm or generally later ww2 stuff. Those could kill in 1 shot armor out to 1500 - 2000 meters.Lets hope that at some point, graviteam returns to ww2 sim.
Steel Armor: Blaze of War is realistic tank simulator with tactical elements. The game is composed of two equally important parts: Operational: player can choose the battlefield area, supply and reinforce his units and repair his vehicles. Steel Armor Blaze Of War Demo Download. July 4, 2017. Sony Playstation / PSX ROMs (ISOs) - View List. Featured Games: Browse By Letter: # A B C D E F G H.
In the mean time, Steel Fury, Kharkov 1942 might be something to search for. Its from 2008, but its still a good sim. Originally posted by:The t62's fire controls are a litterally about 1/2 step removed from a ww2 t34's.
While the M60's are pretty much 1/2 step removed from late 1940's tech. Its not like these are M1a1/leo 2's with stabilzed guns, laser range finders, thermal sights, and balistic computers.WITH that said, ww2 tanks generally DO play out better with the confines of PC tech. A 105mm armed tank is able to destroy main battle tanks at 3000 meters, even with simple fire controls. A ww2 tank and its wimpy gun is hard pressed to do the same at 1000 meters. Well, unless its something like an 88mm or generally later ww2 stuff. Those could kill in 1 shot armor out to 1500 - 2000 meters.Lets hope that at some point, graviteam returns to ww2 sim. In the mean time, Steel Fury, Kharkov 1942 might be something to search for.
Its from 2008, but its still a good sim. DankeFor me the reduced range, accuracy and generally inferior capabilities of WW2 tanks make them more fun to play, and as mentioned, I just prefer the period, historically speaking I am passionate about it.From a gameplay perspective the more primitve tanks provide a more raw, visceral, intense and relatively close quarters kind of combat experience, so I will follow your kind recommendation check out Steel Fury, it's made by these guys ya? It will be good I think.oedit - I found it on Gamersgate, do you know if that is the most up to date version available?
Is the game still supported? As I agree that World War 2 is the more interesting theater of battle, Steel Armor: Blaze of War is a tank sim not to be missed.I am in the same boat and would rather be driving a Panther or a Tiger tank, but the M60A1 and T-62 are by no means futuristic tanks. From looking at the game from the outside yes you probably won't buy it simply because it's not World War 2. Not buying it for that reason, you won't be the only person to make that mistake.By purchasing this game you will be helping Graviteam's chances of making a new game. That is not the only reason to buy this game though.
After playing it for a couple weeks now I can tell you that it's extremely challenging. It is by no means, how did you put, relying on compex targeting systems and precise instruments. There is an arcade mode that makes it pretty simple, almost like World of Tanks, but still much more challenging overall. Although if you want to experience what it is truely like to be in a tank you can set it to the more realistic simulation mode and range everything manually. There is absolutely no difference in this mode than there would be in any World War 2 game mode that Graviteam may or may not make so I would recommend purchasing this or at least trying the demo which can be found somewhere around here on the forums (I'll come back with a link). Then you might realize that regardless of time periods and unit selections, everything is exactly the same as Graviteam Tactics.In fact the T-62 is just a few tiers up from any World War 2 tank, along with the M60A1 is pretty much just a Patton.
So really it's just getting used to and getting out of the box paradigm of only playing World War 2 games because I was just like you at one point. Only playing WWII games, but I've realized that there are a lot of other interesting conflicts that actually happened as a RESULT of World War 2.Peace.Yogi. Originally posted by:As I agree that World War 2 is the more interesting theater of battle, Steel Armor: Blaze of War is a tank sim to not be missed.I am in the same boat and would rather be driving a Panther or a Tiger tank, but the M60A1 and T-62 are by no means futuristic tanks.
From looking at the game from the outside yes you probably won't buy it simply because it's not World War 2. Not buying it for that reason, you won't be the only person to make that mistake.By purchasing this game you will helping Graviteam's chances of making a new game. That is not the only reason to buy this game though.
After playing it for a couple weeks now I can tell you that it's extremely challenging. It is by no means, how did you put, relying on compex targeting systems and precise instruments. There is an arcade mode that makes it pretty simple, almost like World of Tanks, but still much more challenging overall. Although if you want to experience what it is truely like to be in a tank you can set it to the more realistic simulation mode and range everything manually. There is absolutely no difference in this mode than there would be in any World War 2 game mode that Graviteam may or may not make so I would recommend purchasing this or at least trying the demo which can be found somewhere around here on the forums (I'll come back with a link). Then you might realize that regardless of time periods and unit selections, everything is exactly the same as Graviteam Tactics.In fact the T-62 is just a few tiers up from any World War 2 tank, along with the M60A1 is pretty much just a Patton.
So really it's just getting used to and getting out of the box paradigm of only playing World War 2 games because I was just like you at one point. Only playing WWII games, but I've realized that there are a lot of other interesting conflicts that actually happened as a RESULT of World War 2.Peace.Yogi.
Danke for the reply, much food for thought.As mentioned I have just bought Steel Fury. Well I think this will keep me busy for a while, as you know these games are very complex with huge attention to the details so.
Oh for sure man. I'm not threatening you to buy the game haha quite the opposite. I just know a few people who are exactly the same as you and prefer the World War 2 settings.
I just want to try and help those who are curious about this game to know that it's not much different than any WWII setting.I didn't realize you had bought Steel Fury so forget what I said but yeah you are definitely helping Graviteam out by buying any of their products.I have yet to buy Steel Fury so let me know how that goes for you and I would offer to play some multiplayer but. As most know Graviteam have left out any multiplayer for us. Haha.THAT would be the next thing they need to do simply because most people who are playing these games, (Steel Fury, Steel Armor, Graviteam Tactics) would prefer to play together at least a little bit. Maybe some Co-Op would be nice.
But we'll just have to wait. There is by far enough to spend a lot of time in the Single Player so I'm not complaining. Originally posted by:Oh for sure man. I'm not threatening you to buy the game haha quite the opposite. I just know a few people who are exactly the same as you and prefer the World War 2 settings. I just want to try and help those who are curious about this game to know that it's not much different than any WWII setting.I didn't realize you had bought Steel Fury so forget what I said but yeah you are definitely helping Graviteam out by buying any of their products.I have yet to buy Steel Fury so let me know how that goes for you and I would offer to play some multiplayer but. As most know Graviteam have left out any multiplayer for us.
Haha.THAT would be the next thing they need to do simply because most people who are playing these games, (Steel Fury, Steel Armor, Graviteam Tactics) would prefer to play together at least a little bit. Maybe some Co-Op would be nice.
But we'll just have to wait. There is by far enough to spend a lot of time in the Single Player so I'm not complaining.Multiplayer would make these games perfect: ) i imagine it would be a big challenge for them to make it work but I am sure a multiplayer mode would boost sales.Even 1 v 1 or mabe a 2 player coop mode would be really nice in tank sim and strategy game. Maybe in future haha. Originally posted by:Steel Fury + SPM mod is what you need.Can you link the SPM mods?I have the STA mods and am not too excited about them.
They are okay but not what I was exactly expecting.But yeah. The reason I like Steel Armor is because you don't NEED to mod everything. The game is damn near perfect straight out of the box, no need for ANY mods or any alterations to anything! Yeah it's NOT WWII but the game is superb and this WWII fixation everyone has is pure illusion. I would know because I was exactly the same way until I got Steel Armor and now I will never underestimate another modern day war simulator. I DON'T prefer 'futuristic' although there may be some good future war sims out there that I haven't seen, we'll see. The last SPM version was the 2.0 beta, the link to the file is at Graviteams home page in the Steel Fury sub forum, unfortunatley the link is dead now.You might be able to still get it there if someone has an alt link or has the 2.0 version that they can send to you via dropbox or something similar.
But to be honest Yogi if you were not excited by STA you will probably be even less excited by SPM 2.0 as it has about 1/3rd of what STA has and the SPM team has been MIA for years. Yes I agree STA seems somewhat lashed together in parts with some of the mods and missions that are included. But some of the absolute must have mods for SFK42 like Kyths PzIII and KV-1 full interior, Donkens King Tiger interior and missions/campaigns like Rends Orel, Barbarossa and Prokhorovka campaigns and Kyths Not Quiet on the Eastern Front and Persistent Little Devils campaigns are already included in STA, one click install and you have them all. Sure you can add all these that I mentioned into SPM 2.0 but first you will have to find them (not easy) and most require you to do some file editing to get them to work in SFK42.I think what most people don't understand about the crew that is doing STA is that they really are not into making missions are campaigns. They are more about adding new vehicles, maps and static items into SFK42. Yes they provide one or two missions featuring the new items most of which are 'okay' for the most part.
What they are more about is providing the community with the new items so the community can make outstanding missions and campaigns like Rends and Kyth have done since SFK42 does ship with editors for making missions and even maps. Also want to give some props to a couple RU modder/Mission makers stone2009, Deviator and SHUN, they made some excellent stuff for SFK42, along with many others. Okay thanks for the info on SPM.Honestly with STA I just haven't really done much playing.
I spent all my time trying to get the mods to work and download correctly that when I got into the game I can't even see my turret gun sight. All I can see in any of the STA tanks is the Commander's unhatched view.Would you know of any reason for that or could help at all?I do want to get the game to work, but I didn't mean that STA was bad in any way, just that I couldn't get it to work exactly how I wanted it to, or how I expected which may mean that I didn't download something right or something's missing.I am fairly new to modding and definitely not a 'modder' by any means.
I've dabbled basically which is why I was here promoting Steel Armor, since it really doesn't require any modding to be a great game, whereas SF really does need the mods these days to be worth the 19.95 US I spent on it:). Old steel fury is still viable as nothing better has happened since for ww2. But SABOW is way more advanced on how it does everything. Its been ages since I ran k42 modded. I was vary annoyed at lack of LOD's and preformance issues do to lack of understanding about such things. No idea if that got better over the years.
On the flip side, vid cards are WAY more powerful now so even if all that was never tackled, it might not matter now. Still have the disk next to my bed however. =)Still, a gravi sim in ww2 with a sabow and or trandional single player mission set up would be SO welcome now. But do to ecconomic reasons and being so niche i do not think such would ship with more than 1 or 2 playable tanks. A fully modeled tank takes 2 to 3 months to make.
Originally posted by:Steve don't waste your time with the demo. It was barely playable (FPS) when it was first released and although it might play better now it will look pretty dated. Go and do a Youtube search on stock SFK42 and SFK42 with the STA mods. I pretty confident after seeing SFK42 w/STA you will want to get the full version of SFK42. Also as a side note while GRAVITEAM is the developer of SFK42 it isn't supported by them.long story.i got steel armor but refunded it because its clearly what was meant to be a Graviteam Tactics DLC of somekindlike when i choose custom battle the factions seem to be linked to my Graviteam files because China and Germany come up. Yes you are correct to an extent, the tactics engine part of Steel Armor is pretty much a direct port from their tactics game Achtung Panzer:Operation Star, both were roughly released at the same time, back in late 2011 I believe.
Many were (and are still) hoping that Graviteams Tactics games will be ported over to a tank sim like Steel Armor which would make it probably the be all end all WW2 tank simulator. But that being said the best all time WW2 tank simulator out there right now is SFK42. I know some will disagree and say the Panzer Elite series is better but taking all things into consideration SFK42 is still top dog in my opinion. SFK42 was designed as a much more simplier game then SABoW, not sure how it could be more refined unless you mean the tactic's planning part (which SFK42 does not really have). Graviteam has had a progression of sorts with it's armor simulations. First was T-72 BoF, not a bad game but lacking in many areas like only 2 playable tanks, so-so GFX (probably okay at the time) and pretty bad game optimization as the game never seemed to run great (FPS wise).
SFK42 improved on T-72 and then SABoW improved on SFK42. If Graviteam ever does release it's AP Tactic's games in a SABoW type format I don't see how anything can compare WW2 armor sim wise. SABOW is awesome and i love it, Its just different from SFK42. Missions are less linear ( or rather i should say SCRIPTED ) which might be a problem for many people. Both games are awesome but i do feel like SFK42 is a better game. But still SABOW is awesome and really recommended you just need to get into it to fully enjoy it ( which is not easy ) I would really recommend SABOW anyway as together with SFK42 and Steel Beasts is the best tank sim ever. Panzer elite and m1 tank platoon 2 are also woth playing but not as good as those 3 ( imo ) I own both steam and box relese of SABOW and i dont regreat not even 1cent or any second spend with that game.
You just need to get the right feel of it which might be hard for some people. At least it was hard for me becasue i played the tactical map in a wrong way ( putting my tanks as close as i can to the front line which resuted on gettign hit shortly after the start of the map and blindly driving around map looking for enemies.
You need to work more with your team win SABOW than you need in SFK42.