The Neverhood For Mac

There was a pretty awesome game made in 1996 by a guy named Doug TenNapel. You may or may not remember it-either way, it was amazing. If you have some time, I beseech you to read this.
The Only Unforgettable Classic One-of-a-Kind Unique Claymation AdventureActually, The Neverhood was released in 1996, but no matter, because the game was way ahead of it's own time. The Neverhood really is a one-of-a-kind unique game.
Not only are you immersed in fantastic Claymation Art, clever sounds, and jazzy music, but the puzzles you must master though out the adventure are entertaining as well. During the journey you are rewarded with some very interesting videos that also showcase the Claymation Art of The Neverhood creators, which I might add these cut scenes are complete with classic slapstick comedy you're sure to love. The replay value of the game is purely set with wanting to travel through the beautiful colors of Clay inside a wonderful fantasy land you will never forget. You might even find yourself wanting to beat your best time at finishing th e game for bragging rights amongst your old friends on memory lane. That's how fun the game STILL is to this day in 2013.

If nothing else, purchase a copy of The Neverhood to add to your glorious collection, because this game will NEVER be recreated again. Others might try, but nothing will touch your heart like the original Neverhood did.
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