Lost Ark Online Us Release

Japanese games publisher GameOn today announced it has signed a publishing contract with Korean developer Smilegate to launch Lost Ark in the land of the rising sun. The signing ceremony took part at the Smilegate campus located in Pangyo, Seongnam. Descent into darkness by edward c. raymer.
GameOn, the Japanese subsidiary of Neowiz and handles the local Pmang games platform, has launched many PC games before including TERA and ArcheAge. No schedule was given. Lost Ark has so far been just signed to Russia and China prior to this Japan announcement.Over in the Korean server, Smilegate has just announced a new Assassin class in yet another upcoming massive content update. There is currently no full view of this new class and no date provided on when this expansion will arrive. We are guessing Taiwan is the next milestone for Lost Ark before heading west, so stay tuned for more information!
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