Truth Or Dare Dares

The ship's lounge.A gathering place for the crew in off-hours, the Lounge may at times be used for some official functions, such as weddings performed by the captain, yet is also frequented by more civilian duty officers, such as counselors, chefs, and bartenders. Certain interiors will have unique variations of the Lounge, such as Ten Forward on a Galaxy class interior, or Mess Hall on an Intrepid interior.wall - the Lounge has a considerably larger trophy wall available compared than the Captain's Ready Room, with space for four wall trophies and a floor trophy. Star trek trexels sick crew. This Crew Deck contains three main areas: the Lounge, Captain's Cabin, and Sickbay.Not all custom interiors have a dedicated crew deck.Lounge. To add or change a trophy, click the Setup Trophies button which appears near the central ground pedestal.- offers three variations of the therapy assignment for the medical and development CXP.- offers a ship drink menu (vendor), and a duty officer assignments:.

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