Dino Crisis Reboot

Resident Evil 7 producer Masachika Kawata says there aren't 'currently any conversations happening' surrounding the revival of the Dino Crisis franchise.
Apr 27, 2014 So there is a possibility for a Dino Crisis reboot, says a source from Capcom. If this turns out to be true I'll be reeeeally happy.
Although there was reason to be hopeful, the future of Dino Crisis is once again in question, as Masachika Kawata, one of the minds behind the core series, said in a recent interview.
While being interviewed by Daily Star, Kawata-san stated that he had “a hope for in my heart” that the series might begin anew with a remastered version, but there are not “currently any conversations happening [at Capcom], that I’m aware of.”

It seems Resident Evil’s resurgence on the current generation with Resident Evil 7 sparked some hope for the long-quiet survival horror franchise. Kawata-san remarks that it could be a great time to bring Dino Crisis back to the scene.
“I think if you were to create Dino Crisis with modern gaming technology it would be a really exciting prospect.”
Towards the end of 2016, Capcom revealed the revival of Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, and with that there was hope other series under the publisher’s umbrella would see similar treatment with Capcom even noting it was “focused on reviving series that have not had new entries recently, or otherwise dormant IP.” Alas, it seems Dino Crisis is a fossil that will have to lie dormant a little longer.
Masachika Kawata was most recently the producer heading Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. Chris Redfield was recently announced to be featured in the upcoming Not A Hero DLC.Eternal lands kalana.